Missouri v. Seibert case

Missouri v. Seibert, 542 U.S. 600 (2004), is a decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that struck down the police practice of first obtaining an inadmissible confession without giving Miranda warnings, then issuing the warnings, and then obtaining a second...

CJA 3200- Research Methods with Computer Technology

In this exercise you will develop a research plan to test a research question using both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. Create a study assessing the impact of alcohol on risky/reckless behavior. Tell me how you would do it for both a cross-sectional study...

Identifying crime scene

Review the first 12 minutes of Blue Streak, the movie with Martin Lawrence. There are many crime scenes that need to be examined. Identify all that you can- but separate them, for example when Martin goes down the elevator shaft that is one, and when he crawls into...

Criminal Justice Question

While on routine patrol for the Anytown Police Department, you notice a group of what appears to be three underage male teens and one female teen standing along the outside wall of a local convenience store in a poorly lit area. Because it is 1 a.m. in the morning on...

criminal justice writing question

Your essay should have three main parts: Summary: the assigned reading by, among other things, asking yourself: What are the main arguments? What is the point of the report is trying to make? What topics are covered? If someone asked what this report is about, what...

Criminal Justice Question

Review the below video. In 5 paragraphs, summarize the video and provide your thoughts and opinions in regards to the effectiveness of this program and programs like it. ttps://youtu.be/8vsuW9rZWHg