PSY-352-1AO71 Social Psychology

Discussion Questions 1 Prompt: What sort of societal changes need to occur to encourage humanizing and forgiving? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, Discussion Questions 2 Prompt: If you were interested in studying humanizing and forgiving, how would you...

Criminal Justice Question

While on routine patrol for the Anytown Police Department, you notice a group of what appears to be three underage male teens and one female teen standing along the outside wall of a local convenience store in a poorly lit area. Because it is 1 a.m. in the morning on...

Grant Proposal

NON PROFIT- WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT Description: You will write a grant proposal to ANY MAJOR DONOR requesting funding for nonprofit organization of your choice. Purpose: This grant proposal is designed to build your skills in research and writing in addition to...

biology writing question

Consider the meaning of the term “ecology.” Select an area you would like to focus on (your favorite place or where you live). How do the basic chemicals (water, carbon, nitrogen) cycle through your ecosystem? You will want to include the main plants,...