A critical part of online learning is to learn from others knowledge and experience. In this week’s discussion, you will reflect on what you have learned from other students in this class. Choose at least two different discussion posts (or replies) that have furthered your knowledge in Crisis Response Management (CRM) or public safety. You should discuss how this shared knowledge or experience will affect how you will respond to a crisis or disaster. Your required resources are to review what topics were discussed. Responses should evaluate how the topic or concept discussed in the discussion post will affect you in your duties as a public safety professional. If you are not already serving in public safety, you should discuss how you believe the knowledge or experience learned from another student will be a benefit to your work when you are working for a public safety agency.
Your discussion post should be a minimum of 450 words and responses should be a minimum of 150 words. Remember to cite all used discussion posts of other students (and all other sources) using APA formatting rules. For assistance on how to cite a discussion board post, please see https://library.purdueglobal.edu/writingcenter/apacitationfordiscussionpost
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