Questions 1

I have enjoyed your responses to this post! I appreciate the passion around the issue. When considering this topic, I like to think about research methods to investigate personal experiences of civil rights in schools. Qualitative research, asking open ended questions, would provide rich insight into this topic. Consider what questions you believe would be important to ask research participants to ascertain if they feel the civil rights of minority groups are protected in schools. Please contribute 1-5 questions you would ask in your research study.

For example:

1) Can describe ways you felt your civil rights were supported by your school principal?

2)Can describe ways you felt your civil rights were unsupported by your school principal?

Questions 2

A significant federal program for financially struggling children and families is Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). It provides time-limited financial help to qualifying low-income families whose primary caregivers cannot meet necessities. TANF’s main purpose is to help families become financially independent through cash assistance and other programs.

TANF was created to address poverty, unemployment, and underemployment. These circumstances may make it difficult for families to achieve their necessities (Teasley, 2018). TANF helps low-income families stabilize their finances and become self-sufficient by providing cash support. TANF helps with childcare, job training, and education in addition to financial aid. These tools help parents find and stay well-paying jobs to advance their careers.

The TANF program has multifaceted implications. Its adoption has reduced poverty rates, improving recipients’ quality of life. Also, the initiative has shown potential in increasing the well-being of beneficiary family children, which will benefit future generations. TANF has increased parent employment and income, promoting economic stability and mobility, according to research. However, TANF has been criticized. The strict labor requirements for aid are a major topic of controversy. These limitations may preclude some families from receiving aid, especially those with imminent labor engagement issues (Teasley, 2018). The program’s financing limits have also caused long waitlists for crucial services, worsening families’ urgent needs.

Several methods could improve TANF equity and accessibility:

  • Increase funding: Funding is essential for the program to meet the requirements of qualified families and provide comprehensive support. Appropriate resources would reduce the service burden and wait times.
  • Expanding Eligibility: Rewriting the eligibility requirements could allow the organization to help more desperate families. This would ensure that aid recipients are not disqualified owing to tight standards.
  • Improve Supportive Services: From vocational training to education and childcare, more supported services might be offered. These services would remove barriers to family employment and self-sufficiency.
  • Flexible Work Requirements: Consideration of flexible work requirements that acknowledge the diverse challenges faced by applicants would make the program more accessible. This approach would accommodate families with unique circumstances, such as young children or individuals facing health-related limitations.

In implementing these recommended changes, the TANF program could elevate its efficacy in addressing the multifaceted needs of low-income families while concurrently fostering economic autonomy. The program’s evolution would signify a proactive step towards diminishing the impact of poverty and enhancing the prospects of vulnerable families in their pursuit of a brighter future.


Teasley, M. L. (2018). A Renewed Commitment for Leadership in School Social Work Practice. Children & Schools, 40(2), 67–69.

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