Question 1
- Prompt: Read “YOU’RE THE ECONOMIST: Should the Fed Be Independent?” in Chapter 24. What is the most important function of the Fed? Make an argument why an independent Fed would do a better job at performing its number one role. Make an argument why a Fed under the control of Congress and the president would do a better job at performing its most important function.
- Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
- Question 2
- Prompt: Read “YOU’RE THE ECONOMIST: Did the Fed Cause the Great Recession?” in Chapter 26. In support of the Fed’s monetary policy prior to the deflation of the home prices bubble, one can argue that the reality is that increasing the money supply and low-interest rates were required to sustain expansion. Based on the Monetarist’s school of thought, criticize the Fed’s policy.
- Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply