Prior to beginning work on this assignment,
- Read Chapters 9, 10, and 12 from Essentials of Psychology.
- Read the Overview of the Community Outreach Programs Overview of the Community Outreach Programs.
In this assignment, you will examine the application of psychological concepts to a community outreach program.
In your paper,
- Describe the selected program, including its purpose and outreach efforts.
- Connect the selected program to a relevant psychological concept or concepts from the course textbook.
- Identify ethical concerns, bias, or issues of diversity, equity, inclusivity, and belongingness that may arise from the application of this program.
- Provide an evidence-based argument to support continuing, revising, or ending the current program by considering the following:
- Does the program accomplish its stated objectives?
- How do you know?
- What does the research say that aligns the selected program with the psychological concept?
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