For Paper you will be drafting a Position Paper regarding the UCC Emerging Technology Model Act as proposed by the Uniform Law Commission. You will select a state and draft a Position Paper either taking the position that your selected state should adopt the new UCC Model Act or the state should not adopt the new UCC Model Act based on your research, supporting evidence and argument.

An explanation of how to draft a Position Paper has been attached.—->PFA document

General Overview of the Uniform Commercial Code :…

Uniform Commercial Code Overview

Please Note: The selected state should not have actions already taken by the state relating to blockchain and cryptocurrencies

Your paper will be at least three (3) full pages, but no more than five (5) pages long, single spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font. You are encouraged to use headers/sub-headers within the document. You will include a reference section for all sources cited/utilized within the document.

References–Google scholarly articles

In-text citation in each paragraph

No plagiarism

APA Format

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