TWAs are expected to be at least 2 pages in length, of high quality, including well-thought out ideas, clear expression of these ideas, and correct grammar and spelling. Along with this, TWAs require at least 2 scholarly citations other than the article(s) provided for this assignment. Please include proper references and citations when referring to information from the readings, textbook, or when using any other source of information (for example, journal articles, websites, newspapers, magazines, etc.). Proper referencing includes citing sources in the body of the TWA and complete references at the end. Please use APA referencing style. TWAs must be typed (double-spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman). For this TWA, I want to focus on the role that attachment styles play in our ability to engage in romantic relationships. Along with this, I want to discuss what the process of breaking up is like for people as well as the difficulties that people have in leaving relationships. Please read the following articles and answer the 3-4 of the questions found below.
- According to the Attachment Style article by Sandberg et al., what impact does attachment style have on martial quality? What are some other ways that you feel that our attachment styles may impact martial quality?
- In what ways do our attachment styles impact our ability to initiate, maintain, and/or end relationships?
- Talk to me about your attachment style, do you believe that you fall into the secure, insecure/anxious, or avoidant style? How has this impacted your relationships?
- What are some things that people can do in order to change their attachment styles?
- According to the Beckmeyer and Jamison article, what was the most difficult aspect of a break up among young adults? How confident are you in your ability to end a romantic relationship? What parts of the break up would be hard and what parts would be easy for you?
- What are some common indicators that a relationship is no longer healthy and that a break up is warranted?
- Those who remain in relationship where abuse is present are often criticized for not leaving. What are some of the difficulties that come with leaving an abusive and/or toxic relationship?
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